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HITB2024BKK Armory

HITBSecConf2024 - Bangkok

29 Aug 2024 - 30 Aug 2024


Organized in collaboration with Adverse Theory, HITB Armory is a dedicated area for independent researchers to show off their projects, run their demos, and allow you to play around with their awesome security tools!

With an informal setting and open access from the attendees it is the right place to interact with the users of your too, other industry peers, and hackers! Find new users, feedbacks and new contributors for your amazing OSS project!

As a security tool developer, HITB Armory is right place where you can showcase your security tools to the world. You will get exhibit area to conduct demonstrations for up 2.5 hours per day during the main HITB Bangjok conference!

Submit early to have more chances to get accepted!

CFP Submission Period

17th May 2024 to 31st July 2024 (UTC)

Accepted speakers will be notified by the first week of August 2024. 

Booth Time

Up to 150 minutes booth time per day during the two days of conference.


The demonstration format is very flexibile as we understand that different tools require different formats! Some prefers to have a live demo running throughout the booth time, some other prefer a deck and some videos to showcase the capabilities, while some other a mix of both! It's up to you to decide which is the best format to explain and showcase your tool in the best way.

CFP Submission Period

12 May 2024 - 26 Jul 2024, (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West

CFP Requirements

The HITB Armory CFT is pleased to accept submission from anyone out there! Come and show case your OpenSource Software to the InfoSec community! People are waiting for you!

This year we are giving higher priority to the following topics/tools:
  •     Tools related to vulnerability research and exploitation:
  •     Tools to aid mitigation bypass techniques
  •     Tools for software reverse engineering, analysis and attacks
  •     Tools for protocol reverse engineering, analysis and attacks
  •     Tools for hardware reverse engineering, analysis and attacks

We are also looking for many other topics including, but not limited to the following categories:

  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Hardware Security
  • Automotive Security
  • Mobile Hacking Tools (iOS/Android/etc)
  • Source Code Security
  • Cryptography Security
  • Data Forensics & Incident Response
  • Network Security
  • OSINT - Open Source INTelligence
  • Reverse Engineering
  • SCADA/ICS/Industrial Security
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Web Application Security

Talk Durations

120 minutes (HITB Labs)


If your tool is accepted for the Armory, after the event, we will provide:

  • USD500 Honorarium per slot

And during the HITB Bangkok you will receive one VIP conference pass, which includes:

  • Access to the main conference tracks on the 29th and 30th
  • Access to the speaker lounge on the 29th and 30th
  • Lunch and coffee breaks on 29th and 30th
  • Reception on the 29th evening
  • Post conference reception on the 30th evening